In HeadPower's Live Line training, you will learn to carry out live electrical work safely.
Through Live Line work training:
- You will learn how to use, service, inspect, and maintain tools.
- You will receive the necessary practical training and theory, and you will adopt the right attitude to the live line work.
- You will receive a training certificate as proof of the training you have completed.

20 kV live line work training
The training is open to electricians who have sufficient experience in practical overhead line work and who are capable of the long periods of pole work required in the job training.
The training for installation engineers lasts four days and covers theory, safety issues, the inspection and maintenance of tools, and practical exercises in the field.
Supervisor training takes two days. The training gives sufficient live line work skills for managing and planning work, and for the work of a supervisor.
Live line vacuuming
A professional electrician may attend this training. They must have at least three years of work experience with the electrical equipment dealt with in the training. In addition, the participant’s employer must have previously provided general training in safety at work and emergency first aid.
During the one-day training course, you will learn the basics and benefits of live line work. You will become familiar with the SFS 6002 guidelines and requirements, as well as practical exercises, for the vacuuming of building and park substations as live line work.
After acceptably completed the course, you will be able to do live line vacuuming work on your own and safely.
Upcoming courses
20kV Live work training
Tampere Adult Education Centre TAKK
Enquiries about training: